Monday, November 29, 2010

ball game

survey results

1) How many hours a week do you spend at a baseball field?
a) 0
d) above 6
2) How many baseball bats have you had in your life?
a) 1-5
c) more than 10
3) Do you find yourself so stressed out every august when the playoffs come around?
a) yes
b) no
4) Do you dream of being in the bottom of the 9th “situation”.
5) Do you know how many seams there are on a baseball?
6) Do you go outside every morning to see if the wind is blowing out at your field today?
7) Do you go to the big league games in your home town?

As for baseball, not to many people are obsessed with it. There were many people who havent ever owned a baseball bat or either been to a game. Most of my results were in the low numbers when asking how many hours they spent at a field a week. I feel as if the people who do love the sport, have been around it many years or have been passed through it by family. Even though not to many kids are obsessed with baseball, you will still find me at the field everyday no matter what the weather.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baseball- A National Obsession

In Cuba baseball is not a matter of life and death, it is much more important. It takes a lot for the streets of Old Havana to go silent, for the normal hum of activity to diminish to a barely audible whisper. The World Classic Baseball Final played on March 20, 2006 in front of a crowd of 42,696 in San Diego was one such event. It was viewed in virtually every home in Cuba and transfixed the nation. On Obispo (the main thoroughfare of Old Havana) security guards discreetly listened to the match through their ear-pieces as the few people that were still out and about hurried to get somewhere they could see the game.

For a team whose participation in the inaugural tournament had been in doubt right up until the last moment, Cuba’s progression to the final was a fantastic achievement. This, though, was the first time that the Cuban team had competed against the real deal in a tournament. The other teams were packed with Major League Baseball stars and there were whispers beforehand that the Cuban team would not be able to compete. Cuba ended up losing in the championship. Despite the loss in the final, the Cuban players had demonstrated that they could compete with the multimillionaires of the MLB.
I thought this article was right in that the Major Leagues is a lot of politics and money. Actually basbeall itself has to do with a ton of politics. There is a good chance you can get farther in baseball just by who you know sometimes. But like the author says, there are teams out there like cuba or other MLB teams that don’t get paid like the Yankees but can still keep up with them. As you can see in the 2010 world series.

link to article: a national obsession

Monday, November 15, 2010

walk off

I still have the bat until this day. It was our second game of the tournament and it couldn’t of been any hotter. It was our high school baseball team playing as an AAU travel team over the summer. We were playing the Orlando Scorpions who were known to be a pretty average to good team. The game was close the whole time, always changing leads. Tension breaking in the stands as the game come to the last inning. We are now down by one run because of an error by our right fielder. I’m up third in the bottom of the last inning. Our first batter grounds out to 3rd. One out. Our second batter hit’s a double over the second baseman’s head that rolls all the way to the fence. Meanwhile our fans are going crazy. Everyone is thinking extra innings if we get that run in. I’m just thinking hit a single, get on base. That was my job. All coach said was trust your hands. I was like hmm, easy enough. I walk up pretty confident. I remember being extremely relaxed. First pitch was a ball. I was right on it. I can see my runner on 2nd base trying to mess with the pitchers head. I just kept concentrated. Second pitch, ball high. Now im ready, 2-0 count. I got this guy. I know he is coming fastball he is down 2-0 and he has to throw a strike. Pitch came inside, I remember it felt like I didn’t even hit it. I looked up and I thought that might be the farthest ball I’ve ever hit. My first home run and it was a walk off game winner. Wow.



 To some people baseball is just a game. To others, its more like a passion, a history, sometimes even their life. Most people who aren't interested in baseball haven't been around it. It can easily be said that this sport is and was America's past time. No matter how many fathers like my own, talk about baseball like they played the game, you will never understand the feeling until you are on that field.
     They often say that baseball is a lot like life. Baseball is the only sport until this day where you can fail 7 out of 10 times and still be considered great. But also like in our own lives, we learn to get back on our feet when we fall and to stand tall with confidence. Much like baseball in where you cant get down if you strikeout in the 9th, or drop the game winning fly ball.
     Every little boy remembers when he is 7 and dreams about playing on the big field. kids live for that one moment while fathers dream of it. On this field, you can be anyone you want. Whether your Mickey Mantle playing center field in game 7 of the world series, or Barry Bonds hitting a walk off home run. This is where dreams come true.